Hello friends and happy Thursday Evening.
Not Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and not the illicit hallucination drug. But the Liver Shrinking Diet. I begin next Tuesday which means I am only 4 and a bit weeks away. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN!!!!! <insert scary music here>
The gorgeous George rang me today he is my dietitian well he is the manager dietitian calling me to assign me a regular dietitian who I will be in contact with over the next 2 years.
George was a really nice gentle person, with a clear understandable voice. I know you are all gasping there about what the hell I am talking about, but I don't always understand very thick accents. Anyhooo!!! I digress. George was a really lovely young man who helped me to decide exactly which kind of LSD I should go on and explained why it's so important.
The reason for the intense diet is so that your liver can shrink considerably so that your surgeon can get around inside your tummy easily, because your liver is out of the way or smaller. Also another reason why it is good to do the LSD is so that you can reset some of those habits that have developed over the years. The time length is dependant or your BMI and seen as mine is very high, I am on mine for 4 weeks. I really understand what he was saying and he was very patient when I asked more than enough about milk - protein or milk and protein.
There were three options I can have
- The Protein Shakes & Yogurts
- The Milk & Yogurt
- The low fat & carb diet
I decided to go with the shakes and milk diet. Simply because I have not got to worry if I have over eaten or worry if I am not loosing weight. I know that I will be doing the right thing.
He advised that the nearer I get to surgery the more liquid I should be consuming. He advised that I should start taking vitamins and minerals now as long as they were A-Z. He want's me to have the best head start. We talked about the LSD and also which supplements I should be talking Post Op.
I was very impressed with his call and he is calling me next week for a check in as I start my LSD next Tuesday. He was very honest and bluntly said it will be absolute torture for a week or so and then it will become easier. I mentioned that I wanted to reset everything as this will be a brand new me.
Now I am excited to begin. I've got my LSD all sorted............. Watch this space.... I am hoping it's not going to be too bad.
I received a box of goodies to help me out - I am going to vlog it over the weekend so watch out there too..
See you on the flip side xx
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