Hello all how are you? Welcome to my new bloglet. I hope that through my journey, trials and tribulations you will be able to find some positive inspiration, so you too can go forth and be a happy, healthy, beautiful you.
Do you like my title? Its a bit tongue in cheek. You know how it goes, you spend years dieting feeling like what you are eating would barely keep a bird alive and it's no wonder one can't keep it up. I am that one.
So this blog is totally dedicated to my journey. I will be travelling back in time and also forward, but mostly the present. I do hope to get some video diaries in too.
But for now you have to put up with my appalling spelling and grammar.
I decided to document my journey and I call it a journey because I have no idea where I am going, but I know I want to travel forward. I decided to document my journey because when I researching all my different options for Bariatric Surgery there was hundreds in the US but hardly any in the UK. So here I am...
In this blog I will not be all flowers and unicorns, there are going to be a few weeds and wart hogs my friends. This is about ME and MY journey. There will be all kinds going on.. I'm guessing??
I would love to hear your comments and thoughts but please remember that I am human and I do have feelings, so if you are about to write something ugly then it's probably going to impact somehow on my journey. Saying that don't dress it all up, all I am asking is that you think about what you are saying and how what you say may have a lasting impact.
Let's do this .......
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